National Board of Italian Language Schools Association (ASILS)
President: Alessandro Vidoni –
Founder and Managing Director of LINGUAVIVA Group
He opened the first Linguaviva school in Florence in 1976. For 10 years he is trainer of Italian teachers abroad on behalf of various Italian and international institutions. In 1985-86 he attended a Master in Business Administration at SDA Bocconi. In 1986 he opened Linguaviva branch in Tokyo, in 1990 he opened the school in Milan, in 1994 he won a tender for the teaching of European Union languages at the European Institutions in Luxembourg, in 1994 he opened Linguaviva International’s office in Geneva, in 1998 he opened the Italian Summer Camp in Lignano for international students, in 2011 he opened Linguaviva’s branch in Shanghai.
He is a founding member of ASILS in 1991, of which he was President for 10 years.
Vice-President and Treasurer: Wolfango Poggi –
Director of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Milano
Wolfango Poggi, born in 1976, lived in Florence until 2004 and then moved to Milan where he manages the Leonardo da Vinci School and deals with marketing and administration. Degree in Economics and Management of Tourism Services, passionate about tourism, foreign languages, web marketing and sports. He has joined the Asils board in 2009, in 2011 he was appointed treasurer.
National Secretary: Fabrizio Fucile –
General Director at Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri of Rome
Born in Friuli in 1963, Fabrizio Fucile attended Ca’Foscari University in Venice, where he graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Medieval and Humanistic Philology. He then taught religious studies in secondary schools and Italian language and literature in technical institutes and science high school. From 1990 to 1995, he trained as a teacher in a program of Latin and Humanistic Philology Studies at Bergamo University. In 1996 he received his PhD in Italian Studies from Messina University. During this time he moved to Rome and began teaching Italian as a Second Language at Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri where since 2000 he has been Director and Head of studies. In 2008 the International Rotary Foundation designated him a Paul Harris Fellow in appreciation and with gratitude for his significant contribution to promoting better mutual understanding and relations among peoples around the world.
Mr. Fucile has, in addition to his passion for language, a great passion for vocal music and has served as a choir director for more than 30 years.
Rosaria Costanzo
Direttrice Italiano Porticando – Torino
Rosaria Costanzo, è una delle tre fondatrici de L’Italiano Porticando Torino – scuola di lingua e cultura italiana per stranieri con sede nel centro storico di Torino.
Nata in Sicilia e trasferitasi da bambina con la famiglia in Germania, cresce in un ambiente plurilingue e multiculturale. La sua natura pragmatica le fa scegliere all’Università di Mannheim un percorso che combina le lingue e letterature straniere, con l’economia aziendale.
Già all’età di 21 anni inizia ad inseguire il suo sogno di trasmettere il suo amore per l’Italia e la lingua italiana insegnando italiano a discenti adulti presso le università popolari e scuole di lingue della città in cui vive e presso il centro linguistico dell’Università di Mannheim.
La sua formazione personale ed universitaria la porta subito dopo la laurea verso un impiego in cui sono richieste abilità linguistiche e competenze di economia: la localizzazione per l’Italia del software gestionale di un’importante Software house tedesca operante a livello internazionale. E’ la stessa software house ad affidarle dopo alcuni anni la conduzione della sua sede torinese.
Conclusasi questa esperienza, torna alla sua passione principale e decide di aprire insieme a due socie speciali (sua sorella e la cognata di questa) una scuola di lingua e cultura italiana per stranieri a Torino, una città che nel frattempo ha imparato ad apprezzare e ad amare. Nasce così all’inizio del 2005 L’Italiano Porticando, la scuola che si prefigge di insegnare l’italiano passeggiando sotto i portici.
Gaia Turco
Director of A Door to Italy – Genoa
Born in Genoa, she graduated in Polish Language and Literature. After her university studies that led her to travel and stay in several Slavic countries, especially in Poland, she worked as communication and booking manager at the Tour Operator Iscra Viaggi, specialized in the “incoming” market from Russia.
Since 2002 she has been running with passion and enthusiasm the Italian language school for foreigners A Door to Italy, together with her two partners Lara and Federica, taking care of administration and marketing.
Gaia previously served as ASILS mayor between 2013 and 2017.
She loves traveling all over the world with her family, practicing yoga, reading and cooking.
Daniela Vezzani
Director Reggio Lingua – Reggio Emilia
Daniela Vezzani was born in 1968 in a little town near Reggio Emilia where she still lives, after several periods spent abroad studying and working.
From a very meaningful experience of teaching Italian in Maine (USA) for one year, she had the idea to open her own school. Back in Italy, together with a colleague, she set up in Reggio Emilia the school Reggio Lingua, that she has managed since 2004. She is in charge of the didactic activities and she takes care of organizing courses and keeping contacts in English and Spanish both with students and universities abroad.
She earned a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Bologna and she has been teaching Spanish, Italian and English for more than 20 years. She got a certificate Dils PG II from the University of Perugia and she is an examiner for the CELI and Cils exams.
In 2021 she joined Asils’ board. She adores travelling, visiting new places and getting to know new cultures.
Sonja Helm
Director Laboling – La scuola di italiano in Sicilia – Milazzo
Born in Winterthur, Sonja Helm is a Swiss citizen in love with Italy. She arrived in Sicily in 2002, after completing her studies in commerce and tourism. She began her Italian adventure as a student at Laboling in Milazzo, where the following year she begame head of the school office and, in 2011, with two other partners, she took over the management of the Italian school.
She speaks 4 languages, loves travelling and ethnic cuisine.