Italian language schools of Asils in Milan, Lombardia
Here are some suggestions to study Italian in Lombardy.
Lombardy is often identified only as one of the production sites and as the financial heart of Italy, but it preserves an artistic, natural, as well as gastronomic heritage of equal importance. The historical evidence in the area ranges from prehistoric to contemporary age, with some medieval and Renaissance gems. Monuments are concentrated in many cities, mostly in the provincial capitals, while there are dozens of UNESCO heritage. Lombardy is the Italian region with the highest concentration of sites recognized by Unesco, including the workers’ village of Crespi d’Adda, Leonardo’s Last Supper, the Holy Mountains, the beautiful architectures of Mantua and Sabbioneta. Also, the heritage of the Monte San Giorgio and the pile-dwelling sites of the Alps. There are many contributions, on the territory, of contemporary architects and urban planners, not only in Milan but also in Bergamo, Como and Brescia. Milan, in particular, is not only the financial heart of the country but it is also the city of fashion and design as well as an elegant cultural center.
The Italian language schools in Lombardy, members of ASILS, are four and are located in the main town, Milan: