Italian language schools of Asils in Friuli Venezia Giulia
Our suggestions to learn Italian language in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Friuli Venezia Giulia has a very rich historical heritage that you can see in its art and nature jewels: it was homeland of the Romans, Lombards, Venetians and Habsburgs and retains many testimonies of this crossroads of cultures and peoples. Trieste is a summary of Habsburg architecture, historic cafes and different religions: Catholic, Evangelical, Waldensian, Serbian-orthodox, Greek-orthodox and Jewish. Gorizia is the “garden city”, elegant and surrounded by a territory that recalls the crucial phases of the First World War. In Udine you can admire the masterpieces by Giambattista Tiepolo, welcoming piazzas and palaces in Venetian and Art Nouveau style. Pordenone is the city of arcades and frescoed buildings. The region owes its cosmopolitan soul to the sea, the Adriatic, but its profound identity is also present in the mountains, that you can enjoy in all seasons. During summer you can relax in the nature, among woods and trails, while in winter skiing is king next to the snowparks. Food and wine offer specialties such as Sauris ham and pitina (a special flavored “sausage”), cheeses such as Montasio, cjarsòns, homemade desserts and schnapps.
The Italian language schools in Friuli Venezia Giulia, members of Asils, are:

Istituto Venezia in Trieste