Guarantees offered by ASILS
Schools affiliated to A.S.I.L.S. guarantee that:
- their teachers are selected for their professional skills and personal qualities, hold a degree and have experience in teaching Italian as a foreign language
- they have permanent registered premises compliant with law provisions as well as standards whose objective is to promote classroom learning
- their advertising material contains a detailed description of the courses and services they offer
- their prices are clearly indicated and that the number of lessons, their length and any additional services offered are specified
- any student needing help to find accommodation will be offered lodging that has already been inspected and selected and that the address and a description of same will be sent to the student before departure
- students are assigned to a class of the correct level for their language skills, evaluated with an entry level test
- the number of students is not higher than that indicated by the school in its advertising material
- the director is always willing to meet students to help them solve any problem they may have
- students’ progress is constantly monitored
- a cultural and recreational activities programme will be organized with the aim of further promoting language learning and social and cultural interaction
- students receive an attendance certificate and/or course content description
- on completing a level students can take an exam, based on the Council of Europe Modern Languages Project, to verify the language skills acquired
- students are free to contact the General Secretary of A.S.I.L.S should they have any serious complaints to make